Holy smokes - no work today for me! The wildfires here in California started burning very near the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station where I work and they closed the highway early this morning. The highway is open now, but my boss tells me to stay home today. I know they will get a grip on this fire, the team there at Camp Pendleton is always good at putting these fires out quick! At least I hope so ...
I hope you are not suffering too much with the smoke and all! Thanks for the comment on my 100th post. e-mail me your address so I can send you a treat!
Soooo scary!
I have just a second, but I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and I LOVE your pug jewelry. As soon as I get some time, I'm going to do some shopping! :-)
Check out my blog today and see one of my pugs.
I'm thinking rainy thoughts for you.
I'm doin' my "rain dance" for you!!
So sorry Pandor!!
GEEZ, Sis! STAY SAFE! love, tink xoxo
My thoughts are with you! Stay safe, everyone up here is talking about the fires... it could just as quickly happen here... You were a dear to take time out to comment on my blog! Blessings!
Oh man. Watched the newws yesterday and it just must be beyond scary. I could not imagine. Please do be safe.
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