I was making my rounds this morning, checking out my favorite blogs and as I got to the bottom of my favorite links (alphabetically I might add), just before I got to Yapping Cat Studio, I clicked on my link to Under the Red Roof and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the post by Donna Layton announcing the winner of her 103rd blog posting for 103 pieces of vintage wallpaper – ME!! I was jumping up and down in my chair! LOL It turns out there are actually 108 pieces of vintage wallpaper – OMG! What a total thrill – this makes my day : - ) Thank you Donna!

Hey, how about a contest to win that hat?!! Oh and Donna, that cracked me up about the son with the “bad attitude” – we were all laughing at that one!
Thanks Donna – this is the coolest. I will be using those vintage papers on my new projects, including some fun hats and crowns. I can’t wait to see them in person!
HOW EXCITING!!! :) COngrats on winning all that wallpaper
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and adding me to your favorites how nice! How can I not add you...YOU ARE A PUG LOVER!!! :) I don't know if you noticed but I have a Frenchie.
I love your blog and it's so exciting to hear your gonna have your house checked for ghosts! :)
Congratulations. You could have a vintage wallpaper party now!
Hey Sis...
Love your blog! And enjoyed hanging out with you; the ghosts and a 1000 pugs. What next? Or should I even ask. Never a dull moment.
Love ya,
I am all over that wallpaper!
Love it...you lucky girl!
Congrats on your win, Diane! I know you will put those papers to wonderful use.
What a lucky gal!!! Too fun!! Yep..Donna is too fabulous!! Love her work/blog/world!!
So happy to have found your blog!!
I'll be popping in often!! Love your banner!! (we have a pug in our family) : )
xoxo Jenny
You a lucky gal!
Can't wait to see what you will do.
What a Cool way to realize you got a surprise!
Hi to the pugster!
Congratulations on your winning the wallpapers. I can't wait to see what you create with them!
I'm so glad you are pleased!! This has been fun. Why don't you use some of those papers to join my Vintage Tree Topper Swap!
OMG! I'm just flippin out! I've visited your blog before and just love all your stuff, the hat you got is so beautiful, lucky you! I'm sorry for your loss.
I saw that you live in SJC where I used to live! I lived there for about 15yrs. Now I'm married and live very close! I too love ghost, we should meet!
~I'm having a demo party on my blog now, hope you can come and play!
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