One dark Halloween night in a creepy old deserted mansion, the dolls decided to have a party. They had been sitting around Halloween after Halloween with nothing to do but to stare at the dust and cobwebs until they finally had enough.

So, just as you would suspect old dolls do in creepy old deserted mansions, they got up and wandered around, looking for some friends to invite to their Halloween party.

First, they checked the closet, where they found a skeleton who was dying to attend their soiree, so he donned a top hat and came along.

Meow! said the mummified cat in the hall.

I’ll go as Mr. Hyde! said the raccoon and we’ll have a ball!

The mannequin was dressed in black from head to toe, so in no time at all she was ready to go.

And don’t forget Igor, he is always fun!

Boaris snarled he would be there on the run.

The headless doll said let me collect my thoughts and I’ll let you know …

Who else to invite … oh yes, the crow!

The doll heads were shaking in the jar with glee.

Edith said Mr. Hyde come dance with ME!

The merriment lasted long into the night.
BRAVO!!!! I love the creepy dolls party! I wanna be there! love out & a blessed Samhain, Sis! love, tink xoxo
Woooo!!! Super creepy!! Those dolls and stuffed animals gave me the heebee geebees!!
~0~ Happy Halloween!! ~0~
So creepy - happy Halloween.
Spooookkkyyyyyy!! I'm glad the dolls and animals had a fun time, I'm hiding in the closet shaking of fright! lol Make sure you come over for my Halloween Bash:-) Happy Halloween! xo
Fantabulous!!!! enjoyed very much!happy Halloween!!
Ohh so scarey love the dollies though
glad they came out to have fun too
Happy Halloween Pinkie Denise
Brilliant! I want to come for a Halloween Tour. Happy Mischief!
I just knew your house would be the place to be! Over the top, and spookily divine, you know how to party and keep us on our toes!!!
Oh my gosh! I loved all your photos! Even your creepy little doll heads. Happy Halloween :)
Happy Halloween! :)
How wonderfully frightful! So fun.
Love Erin~
Diane- every photo is better than the next!!It's all so very creepy....I love it!
Coming back for another peek and realized you didn't get my first comment!!! Anyway I can't say it enough. Love this post. Your dolls and their creepy friends have found a way to come alive and have fun together! Like your Dollies Crowns too.
Witching you Happy Halloween!
Oooh, i am utterly enchanted by your wonderfully creepy photos! I hope you have a marvelous Halloween and i shall definitely be back to visit soon!
Oh What Fun!
Enchanting Halloween Bash!
Love it!
Sandra Evertson
wonderful pictures. happy halloween
Very creepy and scary , but a wonderful post , thanks !
Happy Halloween !
Scarey, Love The Pictures You added to the story! Happy Halloween!
Angie :)
Very creepy...but the ferrett (I think that is what it is)is kinda cute with his crown.
Happy Halloween!
eeek, I'm a chicken & these look especially creepy in the sepia colors. I hope I don't have nightmares =)
Damn Scary!!!! So, I LOVED IT!!!!!
Happy Halloween to you!!!!
trick or treat! YOur dolls through quite a party! happy halloween! hope to see you at my blog!
Hahaha!!! All I could think of while looking at your post was the creepy toys under the bed in the first Toy Story movie! GREAT POST! Happy Halloween!
some creepy stuff you have...have we danced yet...hope you're having a ghoulish day...blessings, rebecca
You're really got some spooky stuff!! The animals were frightening me...but the dolls...poor babies with no heads and cracked faces!!
Happy Halloween!
Love the creepy dolls! You and Kimberlee at have a real love
of all that is ghostly and ghoulish! Happy Halloween!
Love these photos! I am a fan of all of the above.
Love the dolls in a jar! Cool story. Thanks for sharing.
What a truly fantastic tale... sent chills down my shirttale!
Have a fantastic Samhain!
Fabulous photos!!really sets the mood.. i'll be back..just wondering about the party meeting new blogs...
Happy Ghoulish Halloween, this is such fun to trick or treat blogging.
I have to give you credos for having the best theme and pics. Have some more candy corn.
Don't you love the smell of decay?
this is creepalicious...
xox - eb.
seriously creepy dolls!
Hey girl! Oh man....really creepy!
I tried to send you an email and it bounced back. Send me your snail mail addy so I can get your little book and goodies out to ya.
Oh, that was the creepiest fun ever! Nice to meet all your (are these yours or did you find these images elsewhere?) lovely dusty friends.
Loved your post. I know I am late. Still trying to get to everyones party. Hope you had a Happy Halloween.
Scary Images.......for SURE! thanks for sharing your Halloween FUN.
What a great blog! Sorry to have missed you on took a long time to get through to everyone! Hope you had a great time!
How creepy too...doll heads are a big "freak out" on my meter of creepiness and seeing them in a jar is really freaky!!!!!!!!
Well, now this is just plain SCARY!!! It would mark my son for life! I should show it to him. Mwah....haa...haaaa
oh my- this all made me smile with happeness-
This is an awesome story! It should be on the Silver Screen! I find it ever so charming and macabre, and to see so many of my old friends featured in it....I'm with Tink, Bravo!!! Great job!
Hey, could that standing ground hog come live at my house???
All these Halloween stuffs are Very creepy and scary. Well, Happy Halloween.
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