"I have to tell you …
Today I was in my front yard watering my flowers and not paying much attention to anything when I felt a lick-lick-lick on my foot. I looked down to find a very noisy and extremely cute little pug. The Pug and it's friend, a little Beagle --broke out from their fenced in yard and were out for an adventure. I immediately scrambled for leashes and a bowl for water and started making phone calls and walking them through the neighborhood trying to find their home. I had no luck...took them to the local vet to be scanned for micro chips--no luck. Rob and I were about to bring them back home when we decided to drive around a couple surrounding neighborhoods with the dogs in the car. We found a teenager and asked him if he knew the dogs. He said they were his friends dogs. So we followed him while he rode his bike a mile away and we gave the dogs to the owners who were very happy and relieved. This was my first experience with a pug. I can see why you make designs that include Pugs with angel wings and such. Because this little girl (that I now know is named Lucy) was a perfect angel. She licked my face while I held her in the car and we became instant friends. ;-) Both dogs were so nice and good friends to one another. ;-) "
Isn’t that great? What a fun story. Thanks for sending it Lisa!
Yes, great story (and I'm confessing, I'm not a dog person!)
Oh I adore Dog and Cat angles! They are some of the best angles on earth!
Ooooh just saw your Pugtoberfest info.
How hilarious! Love that word, and what FUN to be a part of the magic!
Hope you sell everything!
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