Here are some vignettes from my house. I like to surround myself with things of a ghostly nature. I call it haunted house decor! I recently put this curio cabinet in my living room after "ebonizing" it - with a light coat of black paint. I like to have some nice black accents in my living room, but it is not all black as one might imagine. I tend towards more of the brown tones, with touches of black and other colors. Here is one of my vintage mannequin torsos with an antique wedding dress of perfectly shattered silk - all hanging in tatters like wraith from a tomb.

I like these eerie pale parian statues of mourning ladies and this creepy, taxidermied eel that looks a bit like one of the sand worms from Beetlejuice.

I recently purchased several items from a man with a great collection of curiosities. One of these pieces was this giraffe leg and a strange taxiermy cat.

My favorite thing of all is my antique medical skeleton, Lizzie. Skeletons make nice, quiet company! Lizzie likes to be surrounded with peacock feathers and her kitty.

Here is my seance table with a strange plaster head and a crystal ball from Marie Laveau's granddaughter's estate. I love the tattered upholstery on this settee, like it is straight from some old forgotten mansion.

I like this shot with the deer heads on the wall reflected in the mirror.